All age shows are a must. With four out of the five members of this band being under 18, there really isn't any other choice in the shows they play, not that it bothers them one bit. Even with their hectic schedules between school, wrestling, and tae kwon do they still manage to practice around four times a week.
Band members really pull their lyric influences from the heart. In one case, “”To Preach is to Rape," is a song written against religious figures in the church known for sex scandals, most of what I write is made for kids who are having problems with abuse, depression, and angst. I want to give back what I got out of the music I listened to.” said vocalist Matt Johnson

This band is proud of their community and the hard work that is constantly put into their music and everyday lives. They are the idealistic band, fallowing their interests and sticking to their gut instincts. They are role models for kids and have outstanding morals not only for their band but also in every day life.
“I want the kids who are pushed around, overlooked, and unhappy to stand up and realize their full potential. New Jersey is definitely a hardcore state, and there are some great bands doing an excellent job out there fulfilling this title. But that kind of music doesn't reach out to these guys, and I think the sounds AND lyrics of Bleed The Arsonist really will. I'm disgusted with how monstrous the kid who brings a gun to school and starts lighting up the place is made out to look. Yes, this guy has problems, and no, what they did is not justified. But why aren't any fingers being pointed at the instigators? Why are the prom queens and quarterbacks still idolized? I could go on for hours, but the bottom line is, this band is meant to be an aegis for those who aren't happy in their lives right now. Maybe it won't happen this week, this month, or even this year, but pretty soon this goal is going to be reached,” said Johnson
When it comes to music this band really does share a brain. There is no real soul writer to the songs they play, they write together and they write well. They all know where one another is going with a song as soon as a riff is played or a bass line gets dropped. They always have to laugh even before the song has finished because they all know how it will turn out.

They use music as a tool of relief. They let out the frustrations of the every day frantic teen lifestyle into each and every one of their songs. They love the intensity of each performance. They consider the blending of culture and sound vital to all music and are constantly keeping that in mind. Bleed the Arsonist is from Tuckerton, New Jersey and proud of it.
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