so im back in school after a few days of having a stomach virus. Im currently in my journalism class and listening to my teacher talk to the other students and reading Rolling Stone, i went to look up the artist of the day it just so happened to be the Greatful Dead, i sat there and wondered why would a band such as "the Dead' be on the top artists of today, it is deffinately a band that i do listen to and i am familiar wih their music i even own some of their albums on vynal. Thinking to myself what a great band, but suitable for today? then even though i have always been one to preach that the classics never do die, i found myself to be in a state of controdiction. The classics never do die, do they? and for a band such as the dead that have moved so many people and still seem to fall in that category of oxygen peoviding music that we still thrive on today, they will live for a while longer, but will this generation keep them alive? will they love them the way they used to be loved, can they? should they? is it worth it to love something you will never truyly see or expierience? this new generation will never have the expieriences that were had with the classic rock bands they have their own bands and music to love. Would it even have close to the same affects as it used to. Does it really matter? music is music the meaning will always be different to everyone but today mostly all that is "cool" or important about that sort of music would be the drugs that would accompany them. So there is my answer, the true, honest, love will die, but the music, the songs, the meaning and the soul will live on to every generation. We just have to make sure to keep holding on to it.