It was a morbidly metal weekend in Asbury Park starting off with a roaring crowd, multiple fog machines and a few teenagers with a common dream to become a rock star. The second round of New Jersey Shows (promotion company) ninth annual Battle of the Bands at The Saint, started off with a few bumps but quickly smoothed out.At The first show Sat. March 1, four bands advanced to the second round at Station 36 Waretown firehall. Seven hard working bands give it their all to perform and get a prime spot at the Asbury’s infamous The Saint but only one band gets to go home the winner.
The first band that was playing Enclosed Fear, the seemingly younger band had a very pulled together advanced sound that not even many of the bands that have been playing for years can pull off. Most of the crowd was still warming up during the first performance of the show, soon changed their minds when members of the band walked down into the crowd and influenced them to join in the metal fun.
Do some of these kids really know when enough is enough? Bands were yelling to the crowds to start a “mosh” pit or “crowd surf” in the small confined space, the bands who were participating in such activities did get disqualified from the battle. Voice Of The Conquered, a locally known band has been banned from The Saint forever with their audacious display on stage.
Other bands who preformed at the battle were, Bleed the Arsonist and Mystical Fudge, for some of the other bands they were steep competition. Returning, the previous three time battle winners, Morbid Visions, played a fantastic show and one of their newest songs the crowd had been chanting for during their whole performance “Hear comes Gacey” based off of John Wayne Gacey.
“I really love everything about playing music,” said Mark Henley former Morbid Visions guitarist. “I mean, what could be better than hanging out with your best friends and playing brutal metal songs”.
“A Civil Action” spicing things up with their not so much of a metal influence but a bit of rock and alternative sound.
“We want to give back what we (the band) get out of the music we listen to, New Jersey is definitely a hardcore state, and there are some great bands doing an excellent job out there fulfilling this title,” said Matt Johnson lead vocalist of Bleed the Arsonist
Bands that reached the final round of New Jersey Shows Battle of the Bands are, Morbid Visions, Bleed the Arsonist, and Mystical Fudge, they will be playing Jun. 1, 2008 at The Saint at 7pm